
Population:55,770,232 (2022 est.)
Land Area:261,229 sq m
Religions:89.8% Buddhism (official), 6.2% Christianity, 2.3% Islam, 1.6% other


The Pontifical Society of Holy Childhood Association (2024) provided USD $42,250.00 funding for the under-listed projects:

  • Ordinary Subsidy
  • St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Uttalinwa in the diocese of Pyay
  • St. Mary Catholic Church Paletwa in the diocese of Pyay
  • Samee Catholic Church
  • Sacred Heart Catholic Church, SITTWE
  • St. Mary Catholic Church, MINBYA
  • St. Michael Catholic Church, MYEBON
  • St. Mary Catholic Church, SHWEPANDAW
  • St. Aloysius Community, TAUNGGOKE
  • Sister of Our Lady of the Missions, PYAY
  • MEE Chaung Yei Euphrasie Boarding