The Invitation to the banquet

Pope Francis, Message for World Mission Sunday 2024.

Thank you for your continuing support for the work of the Pontifical Mission Societies.  Your financial contributions and generous donations demonstrate a commitment and love inspired by a deep faith dedicated to helping those who are most in need.

As the Holy Father reflects in his message for World Mission Sunday 2024,

This banquet is an image of the ultimate salvation in the Kingdom of God that awaits us.  

Through your generous support for the work and projects of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, we take the tangible steps to bring God’s love to our missionary communities, and with your funds, we are able to support the building of churches, hospitals, schools and vocations where the Church is new, young or in great financial need in such countries as Ghana, Gambia, Burundi and Madagascar. 

Your donations are directed toward the funding of projects within the Holy Childhood Association provide educational resources, healthcare and feeding programs for children in countries such as India, Nigeria, Tanzania and Thailand. 

Many seminarians in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Malawi and Zambia are encouraged to persevere in their vocation to the priesthood by your generous support to the Society of St. Peter the Apostle.

Thank you once again for your inspiring and generous charity to support this missionary work to bring the evangelization message to our young parishes. May the Grace of the Father and His Son be upon you, and may you realize the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially His joy and peace, present with you and your loved ones.

Most Rev. John A. Boissonneu
National Director