“The Pontifical Mission Societies serve the Church’s universality as a
global network of support for the Pope in his missionary commitment
by prayer, the soul of mission, and charitable offerings from Christians
throughout the world.”
Pope Francis

Brief Introduction
The Pontifical Mission Societies are Roman Catholic mission societies active throughout the whole world. Almost every country has a national office for the Pontifical Mission Societies and a national director. Offices for the Pontifical Mission Societies in Canada are located in Toronto and Montreal. The National Director for English-speaking Canada is Fr. Alex Osei, C.S.Sp. The National Director for French-speaking Canada is Fr. Yoland Ouellet, O.M.I.
Since 1922, the Pontifical Mission Societies have been the official missionary arm of the Church charged with the work of evangelization and charitable works throughout the world. Our work also provides mission awareness and supported by our benefactors, raises funds for the poorest mission churches of the Catholic Church.
Founders of Pontifical Mission Societies
The Pontifical Mission Societies was established in the early 19th Century in France through the inspirational effort of four (4) founders:
Blessed Pauline Marie Jaricot, Jeanne Bigard, Bishop Msgr. Charles de Forbin-Janson and Father Paolo Manna. Their visionary leadership laid the foundation for this significant movement dedicated to fostering missionary cooperation within the Church.

Propagation of the Faith (SPF)
Pauline Marie Jaricot is “the founder of the largest aid agency in missions in the history of the Catholic Church: The Association of the Propagation of the Faith.” Launched in 1818, the Association is officially recognized on May 3, 1822 and later became the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, before being elevated by Pope Pius XI to “Pontifical” in 1922…Read More
St. Peter the Apostle (SPA)
Jeanne Bigard, encouraged and guided by her mother Stephanie’s objective in life preparing for the priestly ministry of youth in mission countries. In 1894, she launched the first manifesto for the Society of St. Peter the Apostle, whose activity started in 1886, before finally settling in Caen in 1889. It was recognized “Pontifical” by Pope Pius XI in 1922…Read More

Holy Childhood Association (HCA)
To give a missionary orientation devotion of the Child Jesus, the Bishop of Nancy (France), Bishop Charles Marie Auguste de Forbin-Janson launched a movement of Christian children for help and salvation “children pagans “. The Association of the Holy Childhood was formed May 19, 1843. Pope Pius XI proclaimed work “Pontifical” in 1922…Read More
Pontifical Missionary Union (PMU)
Father Paolo Manna, a missionary in Burma, observing the vast missionary work and suffering from the indifference of the clergy, cares about the small number of missionaries. As he founded the Missionary Union of the Clergy to animate priest for world evangelization, and to promote awareness and prayer for the Missions. On October 23, 1916, Pope Benedict XV approves the Union. After a quick and fruitful diffusion in the world, the missionary union was declared “Pontifical” by Pope Pius XII in 1956…Read More