Brief Introduction

The objective of the Pontifical Mission Societies is to foster a universal missionary spirit, characterized by prayer and sacrifice, among all baptized Catholics. The initial three Societies actively encourage baptized Catholics to demonstrate their commitment to the mission by dedicating prayers, personal sacrifices, and financial support to the Church’s work in Mission Dioceses. The Missionary Union, a component of the Pontifical Mission Societies, focuses on enhancing mission awareness among priests, men, and women religious, catechists, and educators, equipping them with the necessary preparation for guiding the faithful in their mission formation.

The Pontifical Mission Societies encompass the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the Holy Childhood Association, the Society of St. Peter the Apostle, and the Pontifical Missionary Union. Each of the societies has an annual direct mail appeal. For St. Peter the Apostle, the appeal is in Spring. The appeal for Society for the Propagation of the Faith is in the Fall and the Holy Childhood Association’s appeal is in the Winter. Each of these societies also receives general donations, pre-authorized monthly donations, securities donations, bequests, and legacy gifts.

Propagation of the Faith

Click here to download Appeal 2024

Holy Childhood Association

Click here to download Appeal 2024

Society of St. Peter the Apostle

Click here to download Appeal 2025