The third day of the sixth edition of the American Missionary Congress is underway, which began on Monday with a festive and participatory Eucharistic celebration in the “Juan Pachín Vicéns” Auditorium in Ponce. After the celebration, the work continued at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. Yesterday the Congress continued with a presentation by Archbishop Raúl Biord Castillo, Archbishop of Caracas, who opened the day’s work. Then, Archbishop Emilio Nappa, President of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS), based on three key words: “go, invite and banquet” from the Holy Father’s message for World Mission Day 2024, explained the meaning of the mission, referring to various Gospel texts and the Pope’s messages on the last three World Mission Days.
“Go! Mission is movement. It always implies a setting in motion. “The mission is a tireless going out to al humanity to invite it to encounter and communion with God”, Pope Francis tells us (Message of World Mission Day 2024) – said Archbishop Nappa -. Sometimes we can travel the entire world while remaining closed in on ourselves. At other times, however, by remaining in the same place, one opens up to share the anguish and joys of an unknown and boundless humanity. Our Church, here in America, is also called to move in order to be authentically missionary.

”Referring then to the message of World Mission Day 2022 “You will be my witnesses”, which inspired the organizers of CAM6 for the motto of this year’s edition, the President of the PMS recalled that the Pope, commenting on Christ’s statement to the disciples “you will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth”, writes: “The indication ‘to the ends of the earth’ must challenge the disciples of Jesus in every age and always encourage them to go beyond the usual places to bear witness to Him.” The second word on which the President of the PMS focused is “invite”, which is also at the heart of the proclamation of the Gospel.
“Being a missionary means being the bearer of an invitation from Another,” explained Archbishop Nappa. “We cannot and must not tire of announcing the Gospel, engaging in genuine and profound dialogue with all cultural and social contexts. It is not a question of imposing or proselytising. This invitation must reach every corner, not only in a geographical sense, but also existentially!”Regarding the “geography” of the mission, the President of the PMS pointed out that today the clear distinction between “first” and “new” evangelization seems to have been overcome. He said in this regard: “We are increasingly witnessing an osmosis between territories and peoples of ancient and recent evangelization.

We are often surprised by the freshness and enthusiasm of the brothers and sisters of the young Churches, to whom my daily work is mainly directed. But we too, here in the West, which seems tired and distracted, still have something to give… with our tradition which must be revived, rejuvenated… with our strengths and also our failures, which can be a useful reminder for the younger Churches. We are all called to return again and again to that ‘first proclamation’, the ever-living source of all the Church’s work.” Finally, the word “banquet”, an eloquent and intense sign of sharing, was addressed by the President of the PMS. “God has prepared a banquet for us and wants us to be his guests; the proclamation of the Gospel, so as not to remain a mere ‘proclamation’, must become something to be shared,” the President stressed. “Living the mission must lead us to share our resources, to redistribute wealth.”
Source: https://www.ppoomm.va/en/notizie-eventi/notizie/news-2024/21-11-2024.html