Please select which society you would like to contribute your donation to:
A Catholic world missionary organization that brings the message of the Gospel to the world especially the poor, the hungry, and the afflicted.
The Society for the Propagation of the Faith assists each and every one of the Catholic Church’s 1,200 mission dioceses to provide pastoral care and preach the Gospel effectively.
It was founded in Lyons, France, in 1822 by a young French woman, Pauline-Marie Jaricot. She began by persuading local working people to support overseas missions by giving a farthing a week. A century later, when the organization was established in almost every country in the world, Pope Pius XI made it the official mission-funding society for the Catholic Church.
“In calling you God says to you: ‘You are important to me, I love you, I am counting on you’” – Pope Francis
Founded in France in 1889 the Society of St. Peter the Apostle (SPA) has led in the mission of The Holy Catholic Church to support the training of future priests and religious brothers and sisters.
In communities where poverty, both material and spiritual, rules. Our priests and religious are a source of hope and joy, their presence is paramount.
Even one new priest makes a world of difference to the lives of people in remote areas, where Mass may only be celebrated three or four times in a single year.
Through your generosity, the SPA is able to train 30,000 seminarians and 10,000 religious sisters around the world. Please help us to continue in the ever-arduous task to grow our faith and renew the Church.
Pope Francis has called us to go beyond, to go to the peripheries and ‘Wake up the World’. We are all called to help!
This is how it all started:
In 1843 French Bishop Charles de Forbin Jansen called upon the children of France to help save the children of China. He asked them to become Missionary Children, helping to spread the Good News. He asked them to say a Hail Mary every day and give a small coin every month to help feed the Chinese children.
Their motto was “children helping children”. The French children took up this great work and from then on the work of missionary children has spread across the world, the Holy Childhood Association is present in 110 countries today.
Monies raised through schools or children’s catechism groups are directed towards self-help programs involving the building of schools and mother and child health centers, the provision of health, medicines, and nutrition services, school fees, and teaching and learning resources.
Children in communities, orphanages, homes for the disabled, refugees, and those living on the streets are assisted by your generosity and that of children who wish to make the love of Jesus known everywhere.
Please join these generous children across the world to reach out with practical and spiritual actions to those in urgent need.