Bishop Charles de Forbin-Janson

The Holy Childhood Association was founded in France in 1843 by Bishop Charles de Forbin-Janson. It’s purpose is to encourage all children to be aware of the needs of children living in mission diocese through the world. Bishop de Forbin-Janson always had a keen interest in the missions. He was a great preacher and traveled throughout France preaching the Gospel. He received letters from missionaries in China requesting his financial help to save starving and abandoned babies. He did not know how to raise these funds so he met with Pauline Jaricot who had already began her work to raise funds for mission dioceses. She advised him that no one could understand the needs of children better than children. She gave him the idea to start a children’s charity.
In 1843 he called upon the children of France to help save the children of China. He asked them to become Missionary Children, helping to spread the Good News.
He asked them to say a Hail Mary every day and give a small coin every month to help feed the Chinese children.
Their motto was “Children helping Children”. The French children took up this great work and from then on the work of missionary children has spread across the world. Today it is in 120 countries and helps make Jesus known to children all over the world. Under its banner “Children helping Children”, funds raised through schools are directed towards self-help programs involving the building of schools, the provision of health and nutrition programs and medications, school fees, and teaching and learning resources.
Children in communities, orphanages, homes for the disabled, refugees, and those living on the streets are assisted by the generosity of children who wish to make the love of Jesus know everywhere.

Our Mission
The society goal can be summed up as follows :
- To raise children’s awareness of the needs of other children and teach them the value and power of solidarity and reciprocal support
- To establish missionary spirit in children that can accompany them throughout their lives in whatever vocation to which direct them, so they become responsible members of the society

Please join these generous children across the world to reach out with practical and spiritual actions to those in urgent need
What exactly do missionary children and adolescent
do to contribute to the benefits of other children?
- Prayer: Children of the missionary childhood pray every day for children around the world and for the spread of the gospel message
- Donations: This is the fundraising result of children’s activities. These “gifts” are collected by each countries, national Association and sent to the missionary childhood universal solidarity fund to be redistributed to millions of needy children in every corner of the world. This aid is used for purposes of nutrition, education, housing, clothing, sanitation, health, orphan assistance, and catechesis
- Missionary witness: Children learn about the culture and lifestyles of children in missionary countries throughout the world they become witnesses and a life example for their peers and the whole community.