Mass Stipends
Pontifical Mission Societies exists to support the new emerging churches to become self-sufficient. 40% of dioceses across the world are poor; they are not able to support themselves or to have a priest in permanent post to cover their spiritual needs. Priests reaches out to far away communities with very little resources or food to sustain themselves in long journeys and religious services. Sometimes this is impossible due to lack of money for transportation. Many of them live with scarce resources but they persevere with their vocation and love for God’s people. Your mass offerings make it possible for priests to strengthen their communities with the love of God through the sacraments. The mass stipends are sent to missionary countries and often the only source of income for these priests.
Please support overseas missionaries, so that they may continue with their religious service in a dignified way.
Request a mass offering that responds to your spiritual needs:
- A mass for your special intention, $10 offering per mass
- Novena Masses – 3 or 9 consecutive days, $10 offering per mass
- Gregorian Mass – 30 consecutive days, $300 offering
Please download your mass stipend request form using the button on the bottom of this page. Fill in the form and write a cheque payable to The Society for the Propagation of the Faith – Mass Stipends, 2219 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M1T 3G5 or you can call toll free 1 (800) 897-8865 to make your mass offering via credit card.
Please note that mass stipends are not tax deductible. You may also donate via Canada Help by clicking the “Donate Now” button.
Pre-authorized Donation
Monthly Payment
An easy way to help the missions is to pre-authorize a monthly donation plan. To join this plan, sign and send use either Form A or Form B. Use Form A to authorize monthly withdraws from bank account. Use Form B to authorize a deduction from your credit card. Please download the form you wish to use by clicking either button. Once the form is completed, please mail it to the address listed below. You can change your mind, or the donation amount, at any time by sending us a note.
Pontifical Mission Societies
2219 Kennedy Road
Toronto, ON M1T 3G5
Thank you and may God bless you abundantly.
Would you like to give more and get more back?
Your securities and mutual funds will make a bigger difference to our work!
Donating securities or mutual funds, rather than cash, may be your best way of giving.
The Canada Revenue Agency does not apply capital gains tax on donations of publicly traded securities. Capitals gains are the increase in the value of your securities over the price you paid at purchase.
When you sell your shares for cash, you’re responsible for the tax due on the gain, even if you plan to donate the proceeds from the sale. If you pay the tax out of those proceeds, there’s less money left to donate. Your charity receives a smaller donation and you have a smaller donation to claim for your charitable tax credit at the end of the year.
But when you donate your securities directly to any of our societies, those capital gains aren’t subject to tax. This means your gift to the Pontifical Mission Societies is a larger gift, and you’ll benefit from a tax receipt for the full value of your eligible securities or mutual funds.
You can donate securities to The Pontifical Mission Societies directly, for more information please call toll free 1 (800) 897-8865 Or via Canada Helps securities services online*.
A “Gift Annuity” is a written agreement by which you make an irrevocable gift to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and receive a guaranteed payment for life in return. It binds the donor and the Society when the agreement is accepted and signed by both parties.
The guaranteed payment remains the same for life. After your death, the remaining principal will be used for the support of needy missions around the world.
To celebrate and honour of the Year of the Priest, we encourage you to support the Society of St. Peter the Apostle Burse Program. You and I answer the call to evangelize the world through two vital initiatives: firstly, by furthering the development of priests and religious in mission lands through spiritual and material support, and secondly, by contributing to their training in the difference countries in Africa, Asia, Americas, and Oceania.
How can you help?
A Burse is a pledge of $10,000.00 to help in the education of seminarians and religious in mission countries. The capital is invested and the interest generated provides an annual income towards the education fund.
An individual, group, parish community, school club, organization may open a burse of $10,000.00 or contribute towards the completion of a burse over the course of the year(s).
A burse can be opened for as little as $500.00.
The Burse may be named, for example:
In memory of ________________________ (name)
YES!!!! There are tax benefits.
You will qualify for an income tax receipt in the amount of each donation. The Society of St. Peter the Apostle exists as a fund within the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, which is a registered charity. (BN 12888-2883-RR0001)
For more information, please write, call or email us and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the Burse Program.
There is no end to the Mission of the Church, will you join us?
The Society of St. Peter the Apostle has a program that makes it possible for you to put a chalice in the hands of a mission priest in the developing world. The Eucharist is so central to our faith.
The Bread of Life and the Blood of Christ for which the people hunger. After years of theological studies and preparation, the only scarcity seems to be in the material resources needed to complete the liturgical prayer of the priesthood and the faith community as they gather to celebrate the faith.
How can you participate?
Through a donation of $425.00, you may purchase a chalice, have it engraved, and forwarded to a mission priest. This chalice can be inscribed with your name or with the name of a living or deceased relative or friend. A souvenir plaque will attest to your involvement as a partner in mission.
If you wish to participate in the Chalice Program, please complete the coupon below and send it with your cheque to the address shown below. Thank you for putting a chalice in the hands of a missionary priest.
“With your help through the Propagation of the Faith the work of Jesus goes on in the Missions!“
St. John Paul II
A legacy gift is a way to find real peace of mind for yourself and give help to the missions too!
The Pontifical Mission Societies is the administrative umbrella that supports three distinct mission charities:
The Society for the Propagation of the Faith | Provide funding for the needs of the missionary church |
The Society of St. Peter the Apostle | Educate priests, sisters and brothers in mission countries |
Holy Childhood Association | Help children in mission countries and raises the missionary awareness of Canadian children |