The Society of St. Peter the Apostle has a program that makes it possible for you to put a chalice in the hands of a mission priest in the developing world. The Eucharist is so central to our faith.
The Bread of Life and the Blood of Christ for which the people hunger. After years of theological studies and preparation, the only scarcity seems to be in the material resources needed to complete the liturgical prayer of the priesthood and the faith community as they gather to celebrate the faith.
How can you participate?
Through a donation of $425.00, you may purchase a chalice, have it engraved, and forwarded it to a mission priest. This chalice can be inscribed with your name or with the name of a living or deceased relative or friend. A souvenir plaque will attest to your involvement as a partner in the mission.
If you wish to participate in the Chalice Program, please complete the coupon below and send it with your cheque to the address shown below.

Thank you for putting a chalice in the hands of a missionary priest.
Pontifical Mission Societies
2219 Kennedy Road
Toronto, Ontario M1T 3G5