“With your help through the Propagation of the Faith the work of Jesus goes on in the Missions!”
– St. John Paul II
A legacy gift is a way to find real peace of mind for yourself and give help to the missions too!
The Pontifical Mission Societies is the administrative umbrella that supports three distinct mission charities:
The Society for the Propagation of the Faith – Provide funding for the needs of the missionary church
The Society of St. Peter the Apostle – Educate priests, sisters, and brothers in mission countries
Holy Childhood Association – Help children in mission countries and raise the missionary awareness of Canadian children
Legacy gifts by way of your Will can be made to any one or all of these charities.

Could this be you? Many people put off making their Will. “Oh, my estate is not important enough to need a Will,” Or you may say, “I just don’t like thinking about it so I put it off a bit.” And the thought of making a Will stays in the back of your mind giving you a nudge from time to time.
Look at the facts – Yes, you need a Will No matter how many possessions you have or how few, no matter how large your savings or how small, a Will allows you to arrange that, they are distributed according to your wishes at your death.

Without a Will, your possessions and funds are distributed according to current law, by the province, by strangers who have no way of knowing that you have promised your mother’s wedding locket to a favorite niece, or that you wish a handicapped grandchild to have a larger share of the estate than others, or that you wish to have masses said for your intentions or that you wish to give a gift to your favorite charity to support the goals of that charity.
It is important to your peace of mind to know that the blessings God has given you will be passed on as you yourself wish.

Making a will is not difficult A will in most cases is a simple, quite inexpensive document that your lawyer can prepare after a brief discussion with you. Your lawyer will need such information as the names and addresses of everyone you want to remember in your will, the name of the person(s) you wish to be your executor or executrix, or guardian of your children should this apply. You will most likely also want to list the charities you have loved and supported. Already you may have given in good measure to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the Society of St. Peter the Apostle or the Holy Childhood Association and we are very grateful.
You know that the purpose of your gift is to bring the love of Jesus and His saving grace into the lives of others as missionaries invite them to share our faith in Christ. In sharing with the missions through one of these three charities, you have surely enriched your own life as you answer our Lord’s call to be missionary. Will you help again, as you plan how to leave your life’s blessings? If you already have a Will and now wish to include a bequest to a charity, you can add this as a codicil to your Will.

Is any special wording required? Your lawyer will have the appropriate wording, but as an aid to you and your lawyer, suggested forms for bequests can be downloaded by clicking any of the links below: